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Over Half Of Radio Advertisers Plan To Spend More In 2019

by | Dec 19, 2018 | BIA, Blog, Broadcast, Radio, SAM, SMBs

More than half of radio advertisers (53.4%) are planning to increase their advertising spend in 2019, compared to only 35% of the businesses in our annual SAM™ survey. Radio advertisers use an average of 13 different media channels for advertising. What do they plan to increase their spend on? Digital media channels topped the list of media channels they plan to add, especially sponsored geofilters/lenses, targeted social ads, mobile display ads, and email. 23% of current radio advertisers are planning to maintain their spend on radio. Media channels they aren’t already using, but plan to add in 2019, including print media*, email marketing, and SEO.

What are the best opportunities for local radio to increase advertiser revenues in 2019? Targeted digital ads and streaming ads. Since radio cannot geo-target over-the-air advertising, yet, radio stations need to look to digital for advertising products they can target. For digital opportunities – radio advertisers are willing to purchase digital advertising through their local radio salesperson, especially social media and email marketing. Traditional media players, including local radio, need to concentrate on advertising products that can be targeted – social, mobile and email.

*Print media includes newspapers, magazines, direct mail and more.


The SAM™ survey data as well as our local forecast data is available through BIA’s local advertising dashboard, BIA ADVantage and is offered in a searchable, downloadable format. Insights and analytical reports from the survey are also provided. Additional information about BIA’s SAM study can be found here.