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Franchisees are Heavy Users of Targeted Advertising

by | Dec 19, 2016 | BIA, Blog, SAM, SMBs

Franchisees use an average of 20 different advertising channels to reach customers, according to Wave 20 of our Local Commerce Monitor™ survey of small businesses (Q3/2016). “It’s more important than ever to be where the customer is, whether in print, online or in-person,” according to a new research report from BIA/Kelsey — Franchisees Advertising and Marketing Research Report, which is available for download courtesy of Vya (link below).

Among franchisees, direct mail was the most popular media with usage at 62.8%, followed closely by a Facebook page at 59.5%. Internet Yellow Pages, Community Sponsorships and Radio round out the top 5 media used. “Clearly local franchisees favor traditional and digital channels that increase their local market visibility. Their goal is to establish a local brand and customer relationships across multiple media,” according to the research report.

Past waves of the Local Commerce Monitor survey have shown that franchisees are early adopters of new technology and advertising channels, and Wave 20 is no different. Newer ad channels and technology, such as in-store beacons, are still popular with franchises. In addition, their use of social media has moved beyond just visibility to targeted advertisements.

To  better serve your franchisees you need to show them how to attract or retain customers through the channels they use, especially direct mail, mobile and social channels.  And for media publishers, to sell advertising to brands and franchisors, targeted advertising like direct mail and mobile/social  is key to showing how targeted media  can help them reach their ideal customers.


Click on the link to download a free copy of BIA/Kelsey’s Franchisee Advertising and Marketing Research Report, compliments of Vya.