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At BIA/Kelsey NEXT: Which is Better? Long or Short Form Content?

by | Dec 16, 2016 | BIA, Blog, Conferences, SMBs

The question of “when it comes to content which is better, long form or short form?” came up during a case study panel at BIA/Kelsey’s NEXT conference. Our panel attendees, who are leaders from major local marketing companies, had a lot to say on the subject.

Ashley Taylor Anderson, Director of Content, Ceros

“What do you need to tell the story? How do I tell a compelling story regardless of the format? What is the best format to deliver it? If you are doing something quality that is unique and valuable will spend time on it. People will binge watch TV shows. People will spend time on things they think are valuable.”

Heather Jackson, Director of Regional Development, Constant Contact

“Less is more when it comes to content.”

Nancy Shenker, Founder & CEO of theONswitch

“Women don’t have time to read a million different publications. The content for sheBoom is very graphic. No post takes more than a minute or two to read.”

Nancy went on to compare content to seduction, where length depends on where the reader is in the buying lifecycle. If someone is early on in the seduction (buying) process you want to give them just enough so that they want to come back for more.

As someone who works with content marketing, I would have to agree — which is better, short or long — depends on the audience and the content itself. In many cases, less is more, and short content is better. But, if the topic is interesting or valuable enough, people will be willing to invest the time to read… and longer is fine.

BIA/Kelsey NEXT Case Study: Women, SMBs and Content