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What Do Digital-Savvy Consumers Expect from Local Businesses?

by | Feb 11, 2016 | BIA, Blog, SMBs

As big data continues to collide with local marketing, small businesses are more empowered than ever to acquire and retain customers. It’s the job — and opportunity — of local media companies and startups to bring them that capability.

But as we all know, selling to local businesses is an underestimated feat due to fragmentation and varied needs. That begs for a smarter approach, such as being informed about what capabilities they currently have… and where they have holes.

That’s where Buzzboard comes in. It provides local media companies better intel on what digital presence SMBs currently have and don’t have. And there is usually lots they don’t have, relative to expectations of their digital-savvy customers.

“It’s about helping the marketing suite figure out and target the right markets to go after, said Buzzboard advisor Neal Polachek, “and then push those leads to the reps who get all of the insight and granular information about a prospect.”

To drill down deeper into best practices in attacking the SMB space with such a data-driven approach, we recently held a webinar with Polachek, BIA/Kelsey analyst Charles Laughlin and a real-life Buzzboard user. See the full replay below.