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Direct Mail Remains the Most Used Traditional Media

by | Jan 11, 2017 | BIA, Blog, SAM, SMBs

Direct Mail Infographic (LCM 20)

Direct Mail* remains the most used traditional media, according to Wave 20 of our Local Commerce Monitor™ survey of small businesses (Q3/2016), with 41.0% of small businesses using it for advertising or promotion. Direct mail has been the top #1 traditional media in the LCM survey since at least 2013. Of those small businesses using direct mail, most report seeing a positive return on investment compared to their spend. Among the small businesses using direct mail, 41.6% are planning to increase their spend on direct mail over the next 12 months.

When it comes to marketing to small businesses that use direct mail, here are a couple of things to keep in mind:

  • Direct mail users use promotions at a higher rate than the rest of the businesses in the survey, 33.5% vs. 27.0%. Offer services to extend and track promotions across digital to add value to their traditional promotions.
  • 21.4% of direct mail users use co-op advertising funds. Two-thirds get at least half of their advertising budgets from co-op. Make sure co-op is being fully implemented across channels.

*Direct mail includes any printed advertising, promotional materials or catalogs sent through the mail.


Click on the link to download BIA/Kelsey’s Franchise Advertising and Marketing Research Report for free, compliments of Vya.