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2017 The Year of Video Marketing ?!

by | Jan 5, 2017 | BIA, Blog, SAM, SMBs

HighQ a provider of cloud services just released an infographic calling 2017 the year of video marketing. Where is the bulk of video marketing happening in 2017?

Social media and mobile are big players (Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter) and according to the infographic 500m people watch video on Facebook daily and 10b on Snapchat. Marketers are jumping on this trend with 69% of sales, marketing and business professionals using video marketing and another 31% are planning to. What about small businesses, how are they jumping on this trend?

According to our Local Commerce Monitor™ survey of small businesses, a quarter of SMBs already use video on their websites and on their digital properties. When it comes to social video channels, 40-50% of small business advertisers who use video will increase their spend on YouTube, Facebook video and Twitter video. Of small business who do not currently used video of any type in their marketing and advertising, nearly a quarter will use video in 2017. When it comes to producing videos 67% of small businesses do it themselves rather than using production or a company to produce videos. When it comes to storing valuable video content for marketing, 75% of small businesses use cloud storage.


Video 2017

HighQ Infographic : 2017 Year of Video Marketing