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Vantage Points: More on Monetizing TV Ratings

by | Aug 16, 2017 | BIA, Blog, Vantage Point

In this edition of BIA/Kelsey’s Vantage Points, we introduce one of our new industry executive advisers and welcome him to our team. Tony Marinaro has 30 years experience in market research and consumer insights and is the former head of research for LIN Media and Media General.

The Vantage Point series taps the perspectives of various lookout points from around the local media and tech sectors. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect that of BIA/Kelsey. Please contact Rick Ducey, Managing Director, BIAK/Kelsey,  if you have insights to share. 



Tony Marinaro, Market Research Expert. Marinaro assists BIA/Kelsey in client assignments and thought leadership. In this post, he shares some insights based on our recent report, Sizing the Opportunity for Measuring & Monetizing Local TV Audiences.

The key for local stations to increase revenue is by specifically targeting audiences (HH plus qualitative profiles). The social aspect of a TV station’s website helps advertisers reach additional audiences while the station can expand the brand.

Here’s a few tactical take-aways that come to my mind after reading BIA/Kelsey’s Monetizing Local TV Audiences report:

  • One example could be Dunkin Donuts taking over a webpage for a day to push a product launch. This coupled with an on-air advertising plan, with product placement and sponsorship of a news segment ie morning weather reports is a cross-marketing plan that is a win-win for the station.
  • The comScore numbers go beyond Nielsen ratings to help TV stations increase their audience reach.
  • All social aspects Facebook, website visits, breaking news apps,weather alerts, news alerts all contribute to the station as a way to reach their audiences.
  • By tracking and reporting numbers such as TOS (Time On Site), Page Views, Unique Visits etc., a station can show potential advertisers that viewers come to them thus enabling them to sell the brand and create partnerships and sponsorships with these advertisers.