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Tweet Us Your ‘Best Practices for Local’

by | Apr 13, 2016 | BIA, Blog, Conferences

What are best practices in today’s Local Commerce Universe? What are lessons in helping local businesses acquire and retain customers, especially in today’s evolving multi-screen world? We want to hear from you.

During next month’s BIA/Kelsey ENGAGE, we’ll spotlight these best practices on stage. If accepted, your submissions will get full attribution and citation when presented.

Tweet your best practices using the hashtags #LCUbest and #BIAKengage.

Fodder for best practices can be things like:

— Local sales tactics
— Managing localized social presence
— Multi-location listings management
— Local SEO
— Call commerce and call analytics
— Location based mobile ad targeting
— Adopting emerging tech (i.e. chatbots)
— Going beyond local advertising (i.e. CRM, scheduling, payments)
— Building millennial audiences and engagement
— Executing organizational change when facing disruption

The conference agenda is here if you want more ideas and inspiration. Get creative, keep it concrete, think tactical. We look forward to seeing what you have to say.