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The Rise of Mapping and Location Data: A Conversation with HERE Maps (video)

by | Mar 2, 2016 | Blog, Mobile-Social

As big data collides with local media and commerce, location data will continue to grow in value. This will have immediate impact on the on-demand economy, whose logistics — matching supply/demand, local delivery, etc. — will be fueled by data.

This trend puts data providers in a potentially opportune spot. And few companies have better location data than HERE Maps. We had the chance to find out more about its road map (sorry) with HERE’s Nicholas Goubert at the recent BIA/Kelsey NOW (video below)

The previously-Nokia owned HERE’s mapping and data chops have always been recognized in the GIS world. But they were recently made evident on a wider scale by the acquisition battle — rumored to include Uber — won by a consortium of German auto makers.

This interestingly fuses HERE deeper within the automobile at the advent of the age of autonomous vehicles. Their viability and safety will be a direct function of constantly updated location data, routing and other things that HERE specializes in.

HERE’s positioning goes well beyond the automobile though. We’re talking consumer applications for local discovery involving augmented reality. And there are plenty of enterprise (fleet management) and municipal (traffic management) applications.

We discussed them all on stage at NOW, which you can see in the full session video embedded below.
