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Sheryl Sandberg: It’s Really Hard for Small Businesses to Have a Website

by | Feb 5, 2016 | BIA, Blog, SMBs

Facebook Pages are the most prevalent form of SMB marketing according to BIA/Kelsey data. And there are currently 45 million SMBs with active Pages according to Facebook’s own data (2 million of which are paid).

As we’ve discussed, this has a lot to do with the low friction to set up and maintain a business page. More so, it’s due to SMBs’ — who are also regular people — existing comfort levels from their personal FB profiles.

“It’s really hard for small businesses to have a website,”said Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg at the recent Fortune Summit (video below). “We have 45 million small businesses using Pages on a monthly basis, and for a lot of those businesses, we become their mobile presence.”

And Facebook isn’t slowing down. We expect more action buttons for SMBs, similar to its “call” button. SMB communications via Messenger will also grow, as we’ve predicted. And lots of SMB video will live on Facebook.

“Over a million small businesses have shot and uploaded a video, either as an organic post or as an ad,” said Sandberg. “There’s no way a million businesses have ever made a TV commercial.”