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Scale, Save, and Succeed in 2024: Interview with SEBPO’s Todd Handy on Digital Revenue Strategies

by | Oct 19, 2023 | BIA, BIA Podcast, Blog, Broadcast, Radio, Sales Best Practices

Todd Handy, SEBPO’s chief revenue officer joined BIA’s Rick Ducey for a Leading Local Insights Podcast, Unraveling the Future of Local Media Revenue, to discuss how traditional media companies can grow digital revenues both in Q4 2023 and more so in 2024.

During the podcast, Todd orients his thinking and recommendations around Scaling revenue, Saving on expenses, and creating Success for advertising clients. Here’s a few of the questions Todd answers during our discussion:

  1. Local media on the traditional side of the market are looking to make investments in digital to diversify and scale revenue opportunities. While progress is being made, it’s not easy to grow digital fast enough to compensate for challenges on the traditional media side. What experiences, insights, recommendations can you offer on this effort?
  2. You’ve had strong leadership roles in the digital space, including your time at Beasley. Talk about your current role and how you got to there and where SEBPO fits into the local media ecosystem? And from this vantage point, where do you see opportunities for local media that aren’t aggressively pursued, or could be pursued differently to better achieve success?
  3. We’re in the fourth quarter of a somewhat quizzical year that has very much developed its own personality profile as we consider this moment in history looking at the economy, politics, social trends, and changing business models. All these things make marketers uncertain about their paid media investments. What ideas do you have for how local media can…Scale, Save, and Succeed in Q4?

Listen to the podcast here.

More about Todd: Before joining SEBPO, Todd was Beasley Media Group’s first Chief Digital Officer, where he led the company’s fast-growing digital media business, realizing a 165% increase in digital revenue over the last three years, with a primary focus on transforming a traditional broadcast radio company into a powerful digital media company. In addition to his role at SEBPO, Todd is a member of the Local Media Association’s Board of Directors, serves on various sales and digital marketing advisory boards, and is a former member of the Local Media Consortium’s Executive Committee.