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Register Today! Audience Extension Webinar Sept. 14th

by | Aug 22, 2016 | Blog, SMBs

Small and large business are learning an important lession: Growing sales typically evolve out of deep audience engagement. Finding more audiences similar to the customers who already convert is easier than converting new disengaged audiences. The strategy, known as “audience extension,” is emerging due to growing database marketing capabilities.

Join BIA/Kelsey and Manta on September 14, 2016 for a free webinar, Give Your SMB Customer Acquisition Strategy a Lift with Audience Extension, about audience extension strategy. Register today to participate in the discussion!

Audience extension combines first-party publisher original data with second-party data, from advertising networks and other sources, that extend the audience from the publisher’s own users to include “look-a-like” audiences who mirror the profile and behavior of the original target. Second-party data sources are indentified by the publisher as having the greatest fit with the audience being targeted so the audience can be siginicantly expanded without significantly diluting content quality.

This approach helps reduce the cost of acquisition because it extends relatively small and costly first-party data sets by seeking similarities in larger and less costly second party data sets. Audience extension doesn’t work 100 percent of the time. And the practice has its critics, who contend that modeled look-a-likes can never be as valuable as original data. While that critique may be literally true, the lower cost of look-a-like audiences creates opportunities for higher margin engagement with secondary customer groups that pay the same price for the goods or services offered.

Prep for the webinar with a free copy of our Manta-sponsored white paper, Audience Extension: A Path to Low-Cost SMB Customer Acquisition. We look forward to talking with you on Sept. 14!