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Localized Media Campaigns Can Help National Brands Drive Higher Growth

by | May 17, 2017 | BIA, Blog

MediaMax Network (MMN) and BIA/Kelsey collaborated to develop an eBook entitled. The Win of Going Local, which looks at how national brands can use localized media campaigns to drive higher growth. In the 15 page ebook, read about how “Brand marketers are going far beyond just helping consumers find where to go locally to enjoy their favorite brands. The bar now is set to where brands need to ‘feel more local’ to consumers to drive higher favorability and engagement.”

Ways that Localized Media Campaigns Can Help National Brands Drive Higher Growth:

  • Telling consumers which local stores carry the brands advertised.
  • Tying national brand campaigns to local merchants’ brand and incremental marketing investment with market development funds, co-op programs and
    other brand-retailer marketing partnerships.
  • Analyzing regional and local differences in demand and adjusting media strategies to target these consumers with messaging to address soft demand.
  • Launching brands and store openings in new markets.

“National brands are rediscovering that localizing their campaigns allow them to customize their approach to their target segments, achieving higher precision and ROI in their strategies. BIA/Kelsey is a critical partner to us, as their comprehensive local market data and analysis demonstrates how the media landscape is shifting its mindset ̶ and budget,” stated Jackie Graziano, Vice President of Marketing at MediaMax Network. “We were thrilled to come together with BIA/Kelsey to develop a new eBook that brands, marketers, and agencies can use to educate, inform, and influence their media decision making.”

“Local literacy skills are in steep decline among marketers and agencies,” stated BIA/Kelsey’s Maribeth Papuga, a former EVP of Local Activation at MediaVest. “Consumers have a growing sense of localism and marketers need to key into this in their campaigns to achieve a level of genuineness. They fail to do so at their peril.”

“Brands and their agencies are redefining the competition by localizing the way they engage customers,” stated Rick Ducey, Managing Director at BIA/Kelsey. “By combining our industry research and knowledge with MediaMax’s local media expertise, we are excited to share a compelling narrative that reflects the shifting media landscape.”

MediaMax Network and BIA/Kelsey will discuss key findings from the eBook during a webinar on June 14 at 2PM (ET). Register for the webinar here. You can download the new eBook, The Win of Going Local, here.