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Local SEO Guide Launches Locadium

by | Jul 31, 2017 | BIA, Blog, Mobile-Social, SMBs

For small businesses managing their local digital content including vital listings data like NAP (name, address and phone) can make or break their businesses. It’s one of the most important search ranking factors on Google. Most businesses are challenged with variations of the business listings and content out there.  There are companies that will monitor changes and for the DIYers software that can alert you to changes to your citations.  Local SEO Guide, a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Agency catering to local businesses today lauched Locadium, a new tool that notifies businesses of Google My Business profile changes.

“Our clients regularly experienced Google My Business page data changes without any warning from Google,” said Andrew Shotland, Local SEO Guide CEO. “Changes range from minor annoyances, such as an auto dealer’s GMB image getting changed to a picture of a cat or a half-eaten slice of pizza, to potentially significant revenue disruptors, including publication of an incorrect phone number for hundreds of national chain store locations.

Locadium’s differentiator is providing independent verification of GMB page data changes rather than relying on Googles’ API tracker in the GMB dashboard.  Locadium adds a layer of verification that  “catch these problems that business owners often don’t even know are occurring.”  according to Dan Leibson, VP of search for Local SEO Guide.

Locadium is offered as a subscription service for local businesses and agencies starting at a low monthly cost.