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Local Marketing is all About Authenticity (video)

by | Jun 15, 2016 | Blog, Conferences, Mobile-Social

The oldest millennials are 36. In addition to making me feel old, that means that millennials now wholly occupy the coveted 18 – 34 consumer demographic. Among other things that makes them a core consideration for all marketers.

In localized marketing, this is pronounced because local goes hand-in-hand with one of millennials’ biggest affinities: authenticity. This is the founding principle of Localeur, who’s founder Joah Spearman keynoted BIA/Kelsey ENGAGE.

For local marketers, it boils down to developing content that conveys authenticity. This means capturing the unique character of local businesses: Less banner ads and traditional campaigns… more Snapchat Stories and Geofilters.

To walk the walk, Spearman focuses Localeur on serving traveling millennials with genuine advice from real locals. He believes this differentiates from other anonymous or disingenuous sources of local advice.

See more of his thoughts on millennials, local marketing and authenticity in the full session video below.