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White Paper: Selling SEO and Social Automation to SMBs

by | May 18, 2016 | BIA, Blog

BIA/Kelsey released a new white paper, “Selling SEO and Social Automation to SMBs.” The paper is a free download as a courtesy of white-label fulfillment search engine optimization (SEO) and marketing services provider.Boostability. We want to thank Boostability for making this paper available to the free to the industry.

Search engine optimization (SEO) and social marketing are the most difficult and potentially productive investments small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) can make in growing an enduring business. Both require active engagement, authentic content and time to build strong relationships that drive increased web traffic.

BoostabilityFullCoverLocal or national, business in 2016 recognizes that most engagement begins online. In the digital era, marketing and customer engagement tools are essential to converting traffic to action, yet only 21.2 percent of SMBs have adopted the digital marketing and customer relationship tools. These tools are the glue that holds a customer’s attention, supporting repeat business and word-of-mouth endorsements that make a first-time visitor into a lifelong customer.

Advertising, which will account for $146.6 billion in spending this year (BIA/Kelsey Local Advertising Forecast, 2016), is only the first step to becoming an established competitor in a market. Much of that initial spending to win some attention from consumers is lost because, except for the advertisements, the business has no web or social presence where ongoing engagement can be built.

A robust web presence, with genuine and engaging content linked to the customer through a variety of channels, including the customers’ social networks and a consistent search results presence that cannot be purchased without an investment in a deep, useful web site. Consequently, SEO investments in particular are a critical step for the SMB that wants to stand out.

The report examines the optimum approach for sellers of marketing automation to expand their product mix to include SEO and social marketing services and outlines the key components of a comprehensive marketing automation strategy for SMBs.

The paper is available free. Download it today.