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Webinar Replay: Call Commerce in the Age of AI

by | May 25, 2017 | BIA, Blog

The art of tracking, analyzing and optimizing inbound phone leads — also known as call commerce — has taken on new life with advancements in AI. The process of extracting meaning and insights from spoken dialogues is getting smarter by the day.

This was the topic of a webcast last week that BIA/Kelsey kicked off with data and insights. Hosted by Digital Marketing Depot and sponsored by Call Rail, we discussed how voice intelligence advancements from tech giants are advancing call commerce.

This stems from our call commerce white paper, including the projection that businesses will receive 185 billion mobile calls by 2020. That volume, plus advanced tracking capability, compels businesses to implement call intelligence platforms.

The topic also leads right into BIA/Kelsey Local Impact L.A., where we’ll host an afternoon keynote (details below) from Voicebase co-founder and CRO Jay Blazensky.  Register for the show here, and check out the webinar replay here.


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