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Vantage Points: 5 Drivers of Omni-Channel Marketing for Brands

by | Jan 14, 2016 | BIA, Blog, Vantage Point

This is the latest in BIA/Kelsey’s Vantage Points series. On a semi-weekly basis, it will tap the perspectives of various lookout points from around the local media and tech sectors. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect that of BIA/Kelsey. Please contact mbolandATbiakelsey if you have insights to share. 

5 Key Drivers of Omni-Channel Marketing for Brand Manufacturers
Direct-to-consumer experiences and inventory-aware support for retailers comes into focus.

by Sherry Thomas-Zon


Over the past year, I’ve had the opportunity to help prominent brand manufacturers strategize their direct-to-consumer eCommerce experiences while aiming to balance relationships with their retail partners.

It’s taken time for consumer goods manufacturers to strike the right balance and do both well. But as momentum builds to meet the consumer where they are — especially through geo-targeted mobile and social ad channels — consumer brands are quickly leveraging location data to attract and engage consumers across channels. When done right, this impacts both direct and in-store sales.

Here are 5 drivers for omni-channel brand marketing as we enter the New Year:

1. Brands are recognized for providing foundational support for retail omni-channel strategies.

As we look ahead this year, we believe broad category growth in location-targeted marketing and geo-data services is a direct reflection of brand manufacturers adjusting to a commerce industry still in the midst of a foundational transformation that is reshaping the retail value chain. It’s exciting and necessary to see more brands become comfortable investing in and proving out tactics to meet consumers alongside retail partners on the path-to-purchase. In this way, omni-channel brand marketing will further satisfy consumer demand for a seamless shopping experience that includes all buying options.

2. Cross-channel attribution is gaining focus through brands’ use of advanced consumer strategies and location marketing

In addition to the obvious benefits of driving retail sales for channel partners, product location data and actionable analytics have the potential to lead to better brand-to-retailer visibility and cross-channel attribution. Marketing technology is closing in on the mobile-to-store gap. Measurable cross-channel influence and attribution by brands will follow quickly to become another component within the retail industry transformation.

3. Brands are participating deeper with retailers in the mobile shopper journey.

Brands are making solid investments in where-to-buy services and geo-and-store location ad targeting. Better product availability data and insights will not only improve marketing effectiveness but will ultimately provide greater transparency and increased collaboration between brands and retailers. Brands and retailers that work to share data and support customer personalization will rise to the top.

4. Brands are leveraging location and product availability to improve advertising efficiencies

Brands are now consistently optimizing messaging directed to stores with products in-stock and, at the same time, gaining real-time insights on their products in the channel. Leveraging actionable insights, reducing wasted ad dollars, and optimizing marketing to deliver increasingly relevant and personalized customer experience is a winning combination for advancing omni-channel marketing strategy.

5. Product inventory data increases demand for a more accurate view of products available in the retail channel.

For brands, inventory-aware marketing is quickly becoming a key feature in driving retail channel sales. It’s also an incremental step toward a real-time, localized view of inventory positions and product movement, aiding marketing optimization as well as potentially addressing supply chain challenges.

AAEAAQAAAAAAAAHlAAAAJDM5Mjc0NDFjLWQ5NmItNDY0OC1iYjFjLWU0NTA2Yjc4MTk3YQSherry Thomas-Zon is the Chief Revenue Officer of Redwood City-based Retailigence Corporation.