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Upcoming Webinar: What they Don’t Tell You About Sales Transformation

by | Mar 2, 2016 | BIA, Blog, Sales Best Practices

No one goes into a sales transformation process thinking it will be easy. Yet nearly everyone underestimates just how hard it will be.

Join BIA/Kelsey and BuzzBoard, along with special guests from the front lines of digital sales transformation for a webinar that examines of the most common mistakes made along the path to successful transformation, and the lessons learned from each. This webinar, “Hard Lessons – What They Don’t Tell You About Sales Transformation,” promises to be enlightening, educational and entertaining.

“Most companies go into a transformation effort with a set of expectations of what will be the key drivers and roadblocks,” says Buzzoard’s Neal Polachek, who will co-moderate the webinar with BIA/Kelsey’s Charles Laughlin. “In reality the drivers and roadblocks are often quite different, and unexpected. For example, many believe that transformation is led by change agents within the sales ranks. In reality, transformation lives or dies with the commitment of senior leadership.”

The webinar will touch on the full range of challenges involved in moving a traditional media organization away from its traditional structure into an organization that can compete against digital pure plays and function profitably in a digital first media environments. These include culture, business structures, segmentation approaches, the use of data and tools, among other issues.

Joining Laughlin and Polachek will be Juanita Jennings, who runs digital operations for American General Media, publishers of the Bakersfield Californian. Jennings will offer first hand validation of sales transformation’s challenges and frustrations, as well as insights on how to break through and succeed.


Related: The conversation about transformation best practices will continue on a panel discussion modeled after this webinar at BIA/Kelsey’s ENGAGE event, May 16-18, in Austin, Texas.

WEBINAR: Hard Lessons – What They Don’t Tell You About Sales Transformation
Tuesday, March 15

2 pm U.S. Eastern Time
Register Online Today

Charles Laughlin, SVP & Senior Analyst
Neal Polachek, Board Advisor, BuzzBoard
Juanita Jennings, Digital Content Director, American General Media