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Radio’s Outlook for 2017

by | Jan 10, 2017 | BIA, Blog, Local Advertising Forecast, Radio

What’s up for radio in 2017 and beyond?

According to BIA/Kelsey’s CEO, Thomas Buono, the future for local radio stations in 2017 and beyond is determined by their ability to sell multi-platforms – both their over the air audiences and online services.

In a recent “Radio on Main Street Podcast” with RAB’s Dave Casper , Tom goes into the overall BIA/Kelsey U.S. Local Advertising 2017 Forecast emphasizing the continuing strong growth in online/digital advertising.

As Tom points out, radio stations are well positioned to capitalize on these online activities. They are well known in their local markets, have strong followings in their audiences, and already have a local sales staff that has robust relationships with local advertisers. Many radio stations/groups are already successfully competing in this new and ever changing environment and many more can join them.

Click to listen to the whole discussion.

Podcast of Tom Buono discussing radio 2017.