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Programmatic Comes to Local TV in 2016

by | Feb 18, 2016 | BIA, Blog

The elements of programmatic TV advertising are coming together for those in the local broadcast and cable television space. BIA/Kelsey conducted a complimentary webinar on this topic, now available on on demand with the accompanying slides.

For this webinar, we assembled experts from different parts of the programmatic space to share their experiences and points of view as to how exactly programmatic TV is or is not coming together in local. The discussion was led  Mitch Oscar who is BIA/Kelsey’s executive industry adviser and specializes in programmatic TV for U.S. International Media. USIM was MediaPost’s Programmatic Agency of the Year in 2015. The panel included USIM’s Dot DiLorenzo, EVP and Director of Planning and Russell Zingale, President, Eastern Division. They were joined by David Prager, VP Strategy and Business Development, STRATA; Rob Weisbord, COO, Sinclair Digital Group; and Brett Adamczyk, VP Business Development, Videa.

The panel considered the current state of programmatic TV and the critical milestones that must be achieved in the months ahead. Panelists considered whether or not “programmatic TV is complementary to the way in which agencies transact today?” Generally, the answer was yes, with qualifications. Agencies want to have the ability target better and realize efficiencies leading to higher ROI. While seeing this in early experiences with programmatic TV, there still are friction points. And these are areas where the other panelists seek to add value to the process. But there are a lot of of moving parts to integrate. It will take both time and committed effort to smooth out the rough edges. Bottom line though, programmatic TV could be a win-win proposition if it can live up to aspirations many hold out for it. On the other hand, it could be another promising concept that gets ground down in execution.

Get the recorded webinar and slides here.


BIA/Kelsey will be releasing a companion research report, “Programmatic Comes to Local TV in 2016” in March.

