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New Telmetrics CEO Looking Beyond Feature Wars

by | Feb 6, 2016 | BIA, Blog

Telmetrics new President and CEO Andrew Osmak wants to avoid engaging in the “feature wars” he sees taking place among the many competitors in the call measurement space. Osmak, who took over in January, would rather use Telmetrics’ assets to drive measurement solutions once reserved for enterprises down to the SMB level.

Osmak replaces Bill Dinan, who stepped down last July after more than six years at the helm. Dinan remains an adviser to Telmetrics according to his LinkedIn page.

“We have a very interesting opportunity to take the things that Telmetrics does to deliver measurement at scale to medium and small businesses,” Osmak said. He cites Telmetrics’ longevity, reputation and scale as key assets that will help set it apart going forward.

One advantage that Osmak sees for Telmetrics is that it is not a venture backed business, and thus isn’t driven to seek growth at any cost.

“I have been in venture backed companies, and the common theme is, grow as fast as you can,” Osmak said. “I am focused on quality. Growth may not be astronomical.”

Telmetrics has private equity backing — it’s lead investor is Cumberland Private Wealth Management — which Osmak believes is more patient and value oriented.

Osmak wouldn’t offer up much beyond hints at new areas where Telmetrics might play to drive past mere feature one-upsmanship into something truly new and different.

“We have an opportunity to introduce some things that are just better,” he said, implying it may relate to measuring more forms of communication. The call measurement space should expand from measuring calls to measuring conversations, he said.