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LOCAL IMPACT: Atlanta – UberMedia’s Michael Hayes on Mobile Location Data to Validate Ad Spend

by | Sep 8, 2017 | BIA, Blog, Conferences

The confluence of emerging capabilities across technology, location data, analytics and identity management brings marketers new tools to address the simple equation of determining what consumer impact their marketing spend has. A common attribution metric the differential foot traffic a campaign generates to specific locations. A straight forward question but one that requires surprisingly heavy lifting to answer. At BIA/Kelsey’s LOCAL IMPACT: Atlanta, Michael Hayes, CRO/CMO of UberMedia, a location data and business intelligence platform, gives an expert download on the role of mobile location data in validating and qualifying ad spend. In his keynote talk, Hayes will highlight recent developments in attribution solutions and share some of UberMedia’s vision for how location intelligence helps optimize cross-screen campaigns.

Michael HayesBIA/Kelsey recently interviewed Hayes and Ubermedia’s CEO, Gladys Kong. Hayes told us that, “UberMedia has been a data company since 2013-2014. We’ve acquired an immense amount of data and we leverage our own data.” Having their own first party data, “Is a competitive advantage,” Hayes argued. “Basing ad delivery from data coming from our own first party data allows UberMedia’s to have margins that are better and we can reflect this in our pricing and performance.”

Kong shared that, “While UberMedia was launched in 2010 as a social media publisher but became more interested in using mobile apps, data, and technology to solve marketing challenges.” The firm then focused on developing high data volume along with measurement accuracy and reporting systems that provide marketers a new breadth and depth of location data. The goal was to support more granular analytics by providing data accuracy and precision of place context defined in polygons with resolution to three meters.

Kong indicted that, “Ubermedia currently works with tens of thousands of mobile apps to obtain location and user data and we work with the major ad exchanges.” By giving an overview of the marketing process from campaign spending to foot traffic, Kong said that, “Our clients used to be primarily brands, but now we’re expanding to retailers and malls who also want that same overview.”

Hayes is a featured speaker at BIA/Kelsey’s LOCAL IMPACT: Atlanta on October 12th.