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Enter the On-Demand Economy: BIA/Kelsey NOW | Seattle

by | Feb 17, 2016 | BIA, Blog, Conferences

Tomorrow’s the day. BIA/Kelsey hosts our second Local, On-Demand Economy (LODE) event, NOW | Seattle, beginning at 8:30 AM with a short explainer on the evolution of local commerce and a trip into the future of local and brand marketing user interfaces with Rackspace Futurist Robert Scoble.

From there, we’ll visit with brand wizard Stanley Hainsworth of Tether Inc., Laurent Burman of POSSIBLE and John Busby of Marchex to start a four-part tour of the challenges and opportunity represented by data-driven customer intimacy and immediate delivery in the age of logistical insight. After that, we’ll talk with leaders at Uber, HomeAdvisor, Avvo, MasterCard, HERE and many more.

It’s not too late to register if you would like to attend the show in Seattle’s Pioneer Square district.

To prepare you for the event, here are a few of our past local on-demand sessions, from NOW | San Francisco in June 2015. First, I explain the basic insights that drive the BIA/Kelsey analysis of this emerging market:

Take the time to listen again to Joanna Lord, former CMO of Porch, who keynoted San Francisco — it’s about 40 minutes of brilliant marketing thought from a genuine leader:

And if you’d like to dig into the data and research foundations of LODE, join me and BIA/Kelsey’s Mike Boland for a tour of the unit economics, demographic and resource transformations that are reshaping local marketing:

You can also catch our local on-demand sessions from BIA/Kelsey NEXT 2015 in December here and here.

See you tomorrow in Seattle!
