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Cracking the Brand-to-Local Code (video)

by | Apr 14, 2016 | Blog, Conferences

The Brand-to-local playbook is constantly changing in a multi-screen and millennial-impacted world. This was one of the takeaways from a morning panel at the recent BIA/Kelsey BRANDS.

To crack this code — borrowing from the session’s title — some brands opt for formal and centralized ad campaign strategies, while others prefer to delegate more localized autonomy downstream.

There’s no right or wrong answer but lots of variables by which to determine the right move for individual brands. Meanwhile some universal goals apply, such as effective audience targeting and full-funnel attribution.

To hit these goals, it’s a matter of adaptability to the quickly changing tools and data. The panel outlined what’s working and not for their individual brand strategies, which you can see in the full session video below.

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