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BIA’s Newsletter – Local Media & Tech Daily – Gets a New Home and a New Look

by | Apr 13, 2023 | BIA, Blog

Eight years ago, we decided there was a need for a well curated and organized newsletter covering stories of high impact for local broadcasters, brands and publishers.

To meet the need, we published our first issue of Local Media & Tech Daily on Sept. 4, 2014. Since then, we’ve published over 1,300 issues and have built a large, loyal subscriber base. Now, looking ahead, our commitment to publishing this newsletter continues and starting Monday, April 17, the newsletter will have a new home and a new look.

The newsletter will now be published with the Curated service, which we’re excited to report offers an updated look and feel we believe enhances readability and is more visually appealing. Take a look here at recent issues we’ve published.

For all current subscribers: We will move you over to the new service; however, if your LM&TD newsletter isn’t in your inbox starting on Monday, please re-subscribe here. New subscribers are always welcome too! Questions can be directed to

Whitelist the new email address the newsletter will come from: to continue receiving the newsletter uninterrupted.

The local media ad space is a highly dynamic area where AdTech, Martech, AI, data privacy, broadcasting technologies and new media platforms continually redefine audience relationships with media and consumer relationships with brands. It’s a privilege to serve our clients and others at the front lines of this exciting space, and we look forward to many more successful years publishing a newsletter that helps us all sort out what is meaningful.

Suzanne Ackley, Editor, Local Media & Tech Daily