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Attribution: It’s All About Connecting Atoms and Bits (video)

by | Aug 3, 2016 | Blog, Conferences, Mobile-Social

There’s lots of talk about attribution these days, especially attributing offline sales (most U.S. commerce) to online/mobile engagement. This is where the challenge points come in…connecting atoms to bits.

Nowhere is this embodied more than xAd‘s recent Pandora Jewelry campaign to tie billboard views to nearby purchases. It did this using mobile location tracking to link users’ billboard proximity to subsequent conversions.

In other words, this isn’t the ever-popular online-to-offline (O2O) topic. It’s the more challenging offline (billboard)… to online (mobile/location tracked billboard view)… back to offline (nearby store purchase).

xAd Senior Channel Partner Developer Elina Greenstein unpacked the tactics and outcome at BIA/Kelsey ENGAGE. See her full presentation and interview in the clip below, and more xAd case studies here.